Four reasons to try bike commuting

May is Bike Everywhere month! To celebrate, we thought we’d dedicate a blogpost to the joys of bike commuting and the reasons why you should give it a try!

1. It’s great for your health

There’s strong clinical evidence that indicates regular bike commuting can have a huge benefit on your overall health and fitness. Biking has been shown to significantly decrease your risk of a wide array of cardiovascular issues, improve cardiorespiratory fitness metrics, and improve your overall life expectancy. Studies also suggest that more time spent outside helps with overall reports of happiness and mental health!

2. Better for the environment

I know many of us are always looking for ways that we can reduce our emissions and live a more sustainable lifestyle, but here is a way we can put that into direct action! Every time we choose to leave our cars at home and hop on our bikes instead, we are actively making a change in our carbon footprint! 

3. $$$

Getting around by bike saves you money! When you bike commute, you never have to worry about parking fees, paying for gas or expensive maintenance. Some estimates guess that part time commuting by bike could save you thousands of dollars a year in gas costs alone! It’s also a heck of a lot cheaper than catching the bus or a ride share. 

4. Good, old-fashioned fun

There’s something about biking that brings back the memory of childhood. It’s just plain fun! Feeling the wind rushing past you, racing to catch up with your friends, feeling sun and your skin and sweat on your brow, there’s just something about riding a bike that gets everybody! 

So, there you have it! Four solid reasons to try out commuting by bike. We encourage everyone to get out there on their bikes, and bike everywhere! 


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